When a married couple with children gets divorced, child custody and child support are two very important issues which must be resolved prior to the divorce being finalized. State laws govern how child support is to be calculated. Which parent will be granted primary physical custody of the children, how many overnight stays the children will have with the non-custodial parent, how many children each parent has (including those from prior marriages), the estimated financial needs of the children, and each parent’s income must all be taken into consideration when determining child support.
To accurately determine child support, deductions will need to be made from the gross income to account for the parent’s health insurance and expenses relating to child care and insurance for the children will need to be added in. As the purpose of child support is to provide the financial means to meet all of the child’s basic needs regarding shelter, food, clothing, medical expenses and other essentials, all aspects of the child’s upbringing must be taken into account. If you have questions regarding child support or you are worried about how child support will be calculated in your divorce case, we recommend you contact the law firm of Darren K. Edwards, P.A., right away to obtain legal counsel from an experienced divorce lawyer.
Our firm has successfully represented clients in all types of divorce and family law cases. I have a comprehensive understanding on how child support is calculated. I understand how important it is for you to know that your child will be provided with adequate financial resources and we are here to help you achieve that goal in the most optimum way possible. To find out more about how we can help you in your child support case, contact Darren K. Edwards, Esq., a Fort Lauderdale divorce lawyer today.